Soliam Murr

Exile of The Murr , Last of His Name

Lost to the heavens

An exile to a home no longer his own, the once young Soliam Murr had wandered across the star in a journey of his own making, exploring a world unfamiliar to him in search of a place within it, and in hopes of keeping a promise to one lost to him.Such travels would undoubtedly leave gruesome marks upon him; Both body and soul marred by experiences few could ever claim. War, violence, poverty, imprisonment, betrayal to name but a few. All this and more the Murr suffered by the hands of others and his own.But for each scar he received, he would make a friend, taste new cuisine, lay eyes upon vistas so utterly breathtaking and cultures diverse and splendid. Though the world was full of woes, it too was fuller of brilliance.And for over forty summers, he marched onward. Finding both success and failure in life, love, and all things between. Committing mistakes, struggling as any man would. All with a hopeful smile upon his face.

Known facts

- Full Name: Soliam Murr
- Race: Xaela Au Ra
- Age: 67 (68 on June 10th)
- Gender: Cis Male
- Height: 7'2"
- Sexuality: Pansexual, Poly-Am
- Relationship Status: Bethrothed to Mimofu Mofu (Open Relationship)
- Occupation: Adventuring Consultant of The Heroes' Journey
- Personality: Proud, Hedonistic, Jovial, Kind, Loving, Outgoing


- As an adventuring consultant, Soliam and his business partner Amaranth Aman, make it their business to assist Eorzea's would-be-heroes on their quest for fame and fortune. If you would require such services, do not be afraid to approach him, send a moogle mail, or even pay a visit to their office in The Sultana's Breath Wing Room #41, 9th Ward of The Goblet on Mateus- A veteran of many wars with no renown to spare, Soliam has been seen and heard across many a battlefield as far back as 40 summers ago. He is ever welcome to his fellow comrades and survivors.- As a man who has explored much of the known world of Hydaelyn/Eitherys, the elder Murr is one for paths both hidden and plain. Extravagant and banal. Such services may be asked of him in his business, The Heroes' Journey, but with some convincing, the services of a personal travel guide may be acquired... provided you impress him enough.- Even in old age, the old Murr does not relent on enjoying the finer things in life. A hedonist true and true, even his old bones could not stop him surrounding himself in exquisite victuals and spectacular company. If you wish to make merry with such a man, he is ever welcome of those who hold a deep love for revelries. All work and no play makes for a dull elder after all.

OOC Info

-Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to read this carrd! There are a few ground rules I'd like to put down which includes but not limited to;
- Due to the nature of my character and myself; All participating persons MUST be 18+ and of legal age to view explicit content in their country. No exceptions.
- I am open to most themes and forms of RP. I can't think of anything I'd be against save for the death and dismemberment of my character and all that jazz so if you're unsure, feel free to ask. I don't bite. :D
- ERP is included and I am usually open to all races and genders. Feel free to ask about kinks and stuff, I don't judge. I'd have an f-list but I can't be bothered lol lmao.
- Communicating what you want to do is key! If you are not sure of the topic you have in mind is okay with me, just feel free to send me a tell! I'm typically okay with a lot of topics ranging from slice of life, cozy roleplay to reaching the darker side with topics such as crime, torture, cannibalism, etc. I'm fairly flexible as a writer as I also play loosely within the lore of the game with headcanons and the grey lore areas.
- Shorter or longer post styles are fine, as long as there is enough substance to reply to length doesn't matter.
- I do have a Mare Code and I am happy to share on request.
- I am open to In-game RP and Discord RP if need be, though I have a greater preference for In-game then I do DIscord just because I focus much better that way. If you're willing to take a chance at a slower pace, feel free to ask for my Discord!
- More to be added in the future when I can think of any lol.